For some replacement processes or for configurations—particularly pairing a new AmpliFi MeshPoint or Router, it will be important to determine if it is a standalone device or if it was bought as part of a system, or kit. Devices that are bundled together in a kit are hard-coded to each other and therefore cannot be paired with any other device.
To extend your AmpliFi network or even your third party network, you must use standalone devices. If still shopping around, this link might be helpful: List of Standalone Devices.
How to Determine if a MeshPoint is Part of a Kit
MeshPoints that were sold bundled in a system will have two bar codes on the back. MeshPoints that originally were part of a kit cannot be paired with other devices.
How to Determine if a Router is Part of a Kit
Routers that were sold bundled in a system will show two MeshPoints in the AmpliFi app, even when the mesh points are not connected, they will appear offline. Routers that were sold bundled as part of a kit cannot be paired with other devices without a special unpairing firmware. For more information please contact our support team at